Ruben Storm

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Polygon NFT


ColMaTro, which stands for “Colorful Matic Troll” on the Polygon Network, is an NFT. Simply scroll down and look at the page to discover more about this NFT Collection or to find out where you can get it.

launched in March of 2023

The plan for the day had been to create some album covers and sell them on Fiverr, but plans changed and it became a new NFT. A NFT set featuring colorful trolls.

I attempted to create an album cover after sitting on my laptop with no inspiration or concentration on anything. This did not work, and I was unable to finish it, so I began to make a Troll. I was so fascinated by this Troll that I decided to make it a new collection in Opensea. That day, one Troll after another appeared, and a week later, I had a new collection. Perhaps you like it and would like to buy one for yourself.



There is no physical location, only my imagination.


It was simply my mood that day, as previously said, and I was unable to carry out my intentions due to a lack of creativity. I had more fun producing Trolls, and they inspired me more than my actual assignment, which was due on this day.


This collection is available on the Opensea website. In the Polygon Chain, each item in the collection gets minted 5 times.


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I exclusively sell the NFT on the Opensea website, and it is minted on the Polygon Chain.