Ruben Storm


non-fungible token

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a one-of-a-kind digital identity that cannot be copied, substituted, or subdivided, is stored on a blockchain, and is used to verify authenticity and ownership. The blockchain records the ownership of an NFT and allows the owner to transfer ownership, allowing NFTs to be sold and traded.

Crypto Panda
Crypto Panda

I emphasized panda protection due to their endangered status, using a panda portrayal to highlight the urgent need for conservation.

Travel Photo Collection
Travel Photo

This NFT came into existence following a six-year journey through over 35 countries, exploring their diverse landscapes.

NFT Kilifi

Images from Kilifi, a Kenyan beach town. This NFT is part of the Polygon Network and shows a collection of shots I took in this lovely coastal town.

NFT Nala
Rottweiler Nala

A NFT I made in memory of my deceased dog. She was my baby, and I felt compelled to create a memorial for her. It was the ideal Dog.

NFT Digital African Art
Digital African Art

During a trip to Tanzania, I had the inspiration for the NFT. I loved the art here and had to recreate a digital piece inspired by it.

Title Mati Trolls (600x400)
Mati Trolls

A NFT that began on its own terms and is now available to you. Take a look…

Etheragon (Featured)

I've always liked dragon and other mystical creature artwork. I created this NFT on the Ethereum Network. It is currently my only Ethereum NFT.

ColMaTro (Featured)

No inspiration or concentration, I attempted to design an album cover, and this Troll Collection was the outcome. The original work does not feature trolls.

An NFT is a data unit that may be sold and traded. It is recorded on a sort of digital ledger known as a blockchain. The NFT can be linked to a specific digital or physical item, such as photographs, art, music, or sports highlights, and can grant license rights to utilize the asset for a specific purpose. On digital markets, an NFT (and, if applicable, the related license to use, copy, or display the underlying asset) can be traded and sold. Because NFT trading is extralegal, it frequently results in an informal exchange of ownership over the item, which has no legal basis for enforcement and hence often confers little more than use as a status symbol.

Frequently Ask Questions about NFT

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are non-replicable cryptographic tokens that reside on a blockchain. NFTs can represent physical assets such as artwork and real items. By “tokenizing” these real-world tangible goods, you may make purchasing, selling, and trading them more efficient while lowering the risk of fraud.

Is it a good idea to invest in NFTs? Investing in an asset solely because it has been tokenized into an NFT is a bad idea. NFTs are not investments in and of themselves, therefore be sure you understand the value of the underlying asset before purchasing the NFT.

NFTs are tokens that can be used to indicate ownership of one-of-a-kind goods. They enable us to tokenize items such as art, valuables, and even real estate. The Ethereum blockchain secures asset ownership; no one can change the record of ownership or copy/paste a new NFT into existence. NFT is an abbreviation for non-fungible token.

Real NFTs will have properties displayed, whereas fake NFTs will not. Next, double-check the contract address of your chosen NFT. This will reveal where it was coined. A phony NFT store may display an inaccurate minting address, whereas a true one will display the exact location where the coin was created.

An NFT is a digital asset that lives entirely in the digital universe—it cannot be touched, yet it may be owned.

ColMaTro 1-1 (Profile)