Ruben Storm



Examine my trips, lifestyle, and videos to learn about my adventures in this world.


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On TikTok

TikTok is my newest social account, therefore it has fewer posts than on Instagram. In my TikTok videos, I speak between German and English, depending on how I feel at the time. The most viewed video has 405000 views. Go to my TikTok and join my newest community, then watch the videos I share there and leave me a like.

Travel & Lifestyle


Odessa, Ukraine

Moving from one location to another, without a home or a basis. Since more than six years, one country has followed the other. After a few years of traveling, I began to capture everything on social media, and TikTok became my most recent version of it. Follow me on TikTok to discover more about my travels and minimalist lifestyle, as well as to see all of the lovely places I visit.

Please keep in mind that I am not paid for my services. All of the TikTok videos I make are not rewarded, and I make no money from them. So perhaps you could consider assisting me in some way. You can express your gratitude by making a PayPal donation, a cryptocurrency gift, or a monthly subscription on my Patreon page.

Daressalam, Tanzania
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