Ruben Storm

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WAX Network

Crypto Panda

I created a piece of AI Art featuring a panda and cryptocurrency, which I later converted into an NFT (non-fungible token). My motivation was to emphasize the importance of protecting pandas, as they hold a special place in my heart due to their endangered status. Rather than depicting a generic bear, I chose a panda to highlight the urgent need for their conservation.

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Launched in the year 2023

In addition to my passion for pandas, a close friend of mine works with pandas in China, adding a personal connection to this project. We’ve shared lighthearted jokes about his work with pandas, further inspiring me to use this opportunity to advocate for their protection on a broader scale.

By transforming this AI Art into an NFT and sharing it with the world, I hope to raise awareness about the critical status of pandas and encourage efforts to ensure their preservation. It’s a symbolic gesture, urging everyone to come together and do more to safeguard these beloved creatures from further endangerment. Let’s spread the word and contribute to a future where pandas can thrive and flourish in a safe environment.

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This creation exists solely in the digital realm, as I crafted it on my laptop while I was in Kilifi. There is no physical counterpart to it, making it a product of my creative efforts during my time in that location.


By converting this AI Art piece into an NFT and distributing it globally, my goal is to shed light on the precarious status of pandas and motivate actions that secure their survival. Through this digital art representation.


This collection is available on the Wax Blockchain, each item in the collection gets minted 1000 times.


Your NFT is prepared and awaiting your claim.

Your NFT Awaits: Ready for Claiming!

You can acquire the NFT on the Wax Blockchain through NeftyBlocks, a marketplace I personally favor. Don’t delay, act now and secure your own NFT by clicking this button.

Crypto Panda #1